
Hi! I'm Anita Perrigo.

[Newsletter] Eat, Move +/- Drink for Vitality

Published about 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hello Reader,

Let’s be honest. While midlife can be smooth sailing and sunny, it can also be stormy and tumultuous.

🌊 Parenting issues with children from toddlers to young adults - and in some cases grandchildren.

🌊 Caregiving for aging parents.

🌊 Unexpected personal or family injuries or health issues.

🌊 Menopause.

🌊 Dealing with the grief of broken relationships and/or loss of loved ones.

🌊 Work stress.

🌊 Financial strain.

🌊 Unrealized dreams.

Midlife can be hard.

When you’re faced with those difficulties, how do you thrive? Heck, how do you survive?

As women, and likely the primary caregivers, we are socialized to make sure everyone else is comfortable, taken care of, and looked after. While those actions aren’t bad things in and of themselves, they can be if you haven’t taken care of yourself first. And that doesn’t just organically happen on its own. It takes attention, intention and action.

This month, on the Vitality Blog, I’ve been sharing tips and tools from the first two pillars of the foundation of vitality - movement and nutrition - to help you move, eat and drink (or not) to optimize your health and vitality.

While you can't control the waves and the storms of midlife, some foundational practices ARE in your control to help you surf through this stage of life into the next.

When you build a strong foundation of vitality, it equips you to weather the storms - to respond more intentionally and recover more quickly. Developing the agility and ability to surf through the waves empowers you to go with the flow and adjust when necessary to enjoy the journey no matter what's thrown at you along the way.

Next month, I’ll build on two other pillars - lifestyle habits (sleep and self-care) and mindset - to support that foundation for vitality and make it even stronger.


What's New on the Vitality Blog

Coaching Reflection

What's New in the Vitality Studio

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What's New on the Vitality Blog

Coaching Reflection

Now that you've had a chance to read about some guidelines for eating, moving and drinking (or not), it's time to check in with yourself. In order to find habits and practices that are sustainable for you in the long run, there are three things you need to know:

  1. External guidelines - information from reputable sources on what's recommended for women in your stage of life and circumstances to optimize your health and vitality.
  2. Internal guidelines - this one takes knowing what your success measures are based on your goals (how you feel, strength, pain, health markers such as blood pressure, blood sugar, and body composition). It also takes some experimentation to determine what habits and practices work for you.
  3. Your Why, Your Values AND Your Goals - This is where I like to start with clients and is what I consider to be your North Star. If your chosen habits and practices don't fit with your personal why, values and goals, it's going to be a real slog to be consistent and is the number one reason women drop out of health and fitness programs.

Based on the above 3 things, what is one small daily habit or practice that you will start experimenting with to help you optimize your health and vitality?

Want some ideas? View or Download the Nutrition + Fitness + Sleep Guide for Busy Professionals:


What's New in the Vitality Studio

What's Coming Up

That's it for this month, Reader. I hope you've found at least one pearl to help you in your journey toward optimizing your health and vitality. If you feel so inclined, I would love it if you shared your pearl with me - just hit reply and let me know.

Yours in health and vitality,

Anita 🧡

For more inspiration and tips, follow me on Instagram:


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Hi! I'm Anita Perrigo.

Welcome! I'm the founder and head coach of Vitality Coaching + Consulting. This monthly newsletter is an intentional dose of education and inspiration to help passion-driven women bring your full + best energy to the people, the causes and the moments most important to you. Subscribe for FREE tips + resources as well as be the first to know about new course offerings and coaching programs. Enjoy! And don't forget to share with your friends. 🧡

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